This series of paintings come from a research trip during my Henderson Bursary Award at Pittenweem Art Festival.
Pittenweem Shoreline Walk, Oil and earth pigment on sewn remnant material, 21x30cm.
Limited edition prints available.
Towards Midshore Pittenweem, Oil and earth pigments on canvas, 21x30cm.
Crail harbour, evening. Oil paint and earth pigment on canvas, 30x30cm.
Pittenweem Shoreline, Earth pigments and oil paint on mixed materials (fisherman's smock cloth, cotton and faux leather), 40x40cm.
Limited edition prints available.
From the end of Midshore, Pittenweem. Earth pigment and oil paint on sewn remnant materials, 18x24cm.
Cellardyke harbour, Earth pigment and oil paint on sewn remnant materials, 32x21cm.